Maybank – Legoland Bloggers Contest

Ok..peluang untuk para bloggers dapat ticket free ke Legoland..

kalau rasa nak try silalah ikut arahan di bawah..

saya tengok kalau tahap kerajinan membuak2..

mood nak menaip datang, insya’Allah join 😉

harap je dekat dengan Legoland, tapi belum sampai lagi..

sebab en.nazir kata sabar dulu orang tengah ramai tu..

tak lari legoland dikejar..

lagi satu dia kata bukan legoland tutup esok..

ok.. ummi pasrah.. terpaksa bersabar 🙂

jom2 join contest maybank ni..

mana tahu rezeki dapat masuk free 😉


credit pic: Maybank2u 

Maybank – Legoland Bloggers Contest

Blog about “Why Maybank should give me tickets to Legoland” & you could win free ticket!

Maybank – Legoland Bloggers Contest is a contest open to all Malaysian residents. Bloggers will blog about why they would like Maybank to give them tickets to Legoland and they will stand a chance to win tickets to visit Legoland!

Contest Period

11 – 30 September 2012 (Winners can visit Legoland in December 2012 School holidays)


  • Grand Prizes – One (1) pair of Season Tickets to Legoland Malaysia
  • 10 pairs of Day Passes to Legoland Malaysia

How to participate

  1. You are required to write a short blog post in your own blog about “Why Maybank should give me tickets to Legoland” (in less than 500 words).
  2. Judging criteria will include creativity, originality, and elements of humour.
  3. You are allowed to use images or videos to make your post more interesting.
  4. After you have published the post in your own blog, you will need to email the details of the submission including your Name, IC Number, Address, Contact Number, and the web link of the postin your blog to


Terms and Conditions


1. Maybank-Legoland Bloggers Contest (the ‘Contest’) is organized by Malayan Banking
Berhad (the ‘Organizer’).

2. The Contest starts on 10 September 2012 and will run until 30 September 2012 at
23:59 pm (Contest Duration).

3. The participant blogging in this contest (herein after referred to as “the Blogger”)
participating in ’the Contest‘ agrees to register his/her personal details and complete
the registration procedures as outlined in the “Contest Mechanics” below.

4. Each Blogger is allowed to post in multiple blogs which he or she is the owner and
author of, to participate in this contest.


1. The Contest is open to all Malaysian residents aged 18 and above as at 10 September

2. The Bloggers participating in the contest must be the owner and author of a blog.

3. The Contest is not open to members, employees or immediate family of Maybank’s
Marketing and Brand Management staff, its agents or anyone else connected to the
administration and execution of the Contest.

4. No purchase is necessary.

Contest Mechanics

1. Bloggers are required to write a short blog post in their own blog about “Why
Maybank should give me tickets to Legoland” (in less than 500 words) and after
the post has been published, the blogger must email the details of the submission
which includes their Name, IC Number, Address, Contact Number, and the web
link of the post in your blog to

2. Bloggers are required to provide valid information during Contest submission.
Information provided will be used for verification and delivery of prizes for the winners.

3. Bloggers may use images or videos to make their post more interesting.

Winners & Prizes

1. 11 blog entries will be selected to win.

2. There are 11 prizes in total for this Contest;

a) 1 pair Grand Prize – Season Tickets to Legoland Malaysia and
b) 10 pairs of Day Passes to Legoland Malaysia.

3. Selection of Grand Prize winner and Day Pass winners will be at the sole discretion of
the “Organizer”.

4. Prizes are not transferable.

5. In the event a winner fails to respond within 48 hours after notification of winning or is otherwise disqualified from the contest, that prize will be withdrawn and awarded to the
next qualified winner.

6. The “Organizer” reserves the rights to (a) award an alternative prize of an equal or greater value and (b) in exceptional circumstances to vary, amend or withdraw this
competition on reasonable notice.

7. The “Organizer” accepts no responsibility for unsuccessful entries resulting from a technical fault or bad Internet connectivity.

8. Winners may be required to take part in post-event publicity, and agrees that their Full Name and be published by Maybank in any publicity materials.

9. Winners are bound by the terms and conditions that come with the prizes. The acceptance of the prize indicates the acknowledgment and agreement of such terms and

Final Notes

1. The owner of the blog posts gives the right to Maybank to reproduce, republish, reuse the submitted blog posts. By submitting entries “Bloggers” acknowledge and accept these terms and conditions.

2. The “Organizer” reserves its sole right and discretion to reject submissions that are deemed improper or offensive in whatever nature.

3. The “Organizer” reserves the rights to vary, delete or add to any of these Terms and Conditions and/or substitute or replace the prizes from time to time without any prior notice.

4. The “Organizer’s” decision is final. No correspondence or any other form of communication regarding the Campaign will be entertained.


credit info: Maybank2u 

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