Huh.. Kering Darah..

Pagi ni, tangan gatal menggodeh blog.

Saja switch semula ke url blogspot sebab hajat nak tukar url tu macam url sekarang ni. Dah tukar, ok tak ada masalah. Sekali bila nak switch semula ke dot com tak boleh. Panic!

Try lagi.. try lagi.. try lagi.. tak boleh!

Terus je buka website Netkl nak dapatkan pertolongan cemas hehehe. Staff bertugas Cik Liza. Bila dah terangkan semua masalah tangan gatal tu barulah saya faham. Rupa2nya ada perubahan.

Buy domain only (without hosting), to point to your blogger/blogspot.Buy any domain name with us (eg., and we will do all necessary setup to point your domain to your existing blog in blogger/blogspot.*No hosting given for this plan.*The RM3 above is only a setup fee, and does not include the domain price yet. You’ll need to pay for the domain too.RM3.00 MYR One Time 
Jadi saya pun sepantas kilat teruslah bank in kan RM3 tu. Next time kalau nak renew pun kena tambah RM3 for setup fee. Jadi sekarang blog cikai ini bersiaran menggunakan url sementara menunggu staff Netkl settlekan semuanya.
So now, I have to wait until the domain’s DNS has been fully updated. It will takes around 12 to 24 hours before the domain can function as normal. Huh. Moral of the story, lain kali tangan jangan gatal2 menggodeh kan. Thanks to Liza from Netkl yang membantu.
For the time being, kita berblogspot dululah ya sementara kembali pulih. Aktiviti berblogging masih seperti hari2 yang sudah takkan berhenti selagi ada keupayaan dan selagi dilimpahi idea hehehe.

©Hernee Nazir – Lega hati makcik yang gelabah puyuh ni..hehehe~

Full-time Working Mom @ PTP | Blogger | Breastfeeding Peer Counselor | Shaklee Independent Distributor ♥ Product Review ♥ Food Review ♥ Media/ Events ♥ Advertorial ♥ Sponsorship email to:


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