Trouble Is A Friend Lyrics By Lenka
Trouble will find you
No matter where you go
Oh, oh
No matter if you’re fast
No matter if you’re slow
Oh, oh
The eye of the storm
wanna cry in the morn
Oh, oh
You’re fine for a while
But you start
To lose control
He’s there in the dark
He’s there in my heart
He waits in the wings
he’s gotta play a part
Trouble is a friend
Is a friend of mine
Trouble is a friend
But trouble is a foe
Oh, oh
And no matter
What I feed him
He always seems to grow
Oh, oh
He sees what I see
And he knows
What I know
Oh, oh
So don’t forget
As you ease
On down my road
He’s there in the dark
He’s there in my heart
He waits in the wings
He’s gotta play a part
Trouble is a friend
Is a friend of mine
So don’t be alarmed
If he takes you
By the arm
I roll down the window
I’m a sucker
For his charm
Trouble is a friend
Is a friend of mine
How I hate the way
He makes me feel
And how I try
To make him leave
I try
Oh, oh, I try
But he’s
There in the dark
He’s there in my heart
He waits in the wings
He’s gotta play a part
Trouble is a friend
Is a friend of mine
So don’t be alarmed
If he takes you
By the arm
I roll down the window
I’m a sucker
For his charm
Trouble is a friend
Is a friend of mine
Mula-mula saya dengar En.Nazir punya ring tone dan alarm tone keluar lagu ni. Dalam hati saya berkata “Entah lagu apa la yang dia gunakan dek mamat ni”. Dah 2 3 hari ni dengar lagu yang sama, saya rasa terpikat pulak dengan lagu ni. Memang sesuai dengan telinga saya ;p
lagu yuna ye… nnti akak cari.. akak suka rocket pon dari yuna gak…
ninie>>aah actually lagu die mmg best2 la..
lum penah dengo lagu yuna selain dan sebenarnya
neezareef>>try la dngr..best2 lgunye..
dah dgr mmg best…
Mummy Dasy>>best kn long..bngun pagi lagu ni kjut aku..hehhehe