Tag 6th Photo

Ditag lagi oleh Umi Sufira..

Thanks ye Mimi..rajin betul die mengetag saya..

The challenge is :

– GO to your photos folder in your computer

-GO to the 6th Folder of your photos

-GO to the 6th photos in that folder

-Put the picture on your blog & description of it.

-Invite 6 friends to join the challenge

-Link them in your blog & let them know they have been challenged.

*Here goes…

Ni la gambarnye..

Gambar ni mase majlis kat rumah saya 18/10/08..

Saya memang tak pernah publish gambar ni kat blog..

Suke sgt tengok gambar ni..

tapi kalau anda semua perasan..

ade benda yg wat saya menyirap..hehehe~

penat je control cun n control jari nak wat bentuk luv..

cube tengok jari En. Nazir..

jari die yg punca nye bentuk luv tu tak menjadi..

En. Photographer pun tak tegur mase tu..

maybe die dah penat tak kuase nak melayan..

saya ingat ok jek..hehehe~

takpe la kan tu semua tak penting..

yang penting mase tu majlis berjalan lancar..

itu saje..

mangsa seterusnye..

1. Lady D

2. Syahza

dan sape

² yg rajin n sudi nak wat..

Nota kaki: Fuhhh..ade 2 hutang lagi..February Babies B’day & GH Updates (yg dah lapok)

Full-time Working Mom @ PTP | Blogger | Breastfeeding Peer Counselor | Shaklee Independent Distributor ♥ Product Review ♥ Food Review ♥ Media/ Events ♥ Advertorial ♥ Sponsorship email to: hernee.nazir@gmail.com


  1. ::Umi Sufira::

    Adoi!romantik banget gambarnya tuh!:P

  2. .:Hernee Nazir:.

    Umi Sufira>>romantik ke?hehehe..

  3. syahza

    uwaaaaa… ada utang 3 tags dr Hernee…

    kijam kijam.. hehe..

  4. .:Hernee Nazir:.

    Syahza>>hehehe..jwb klau free..klau xfree xpe..jwb gak..tp len kali..hehehe

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