6 to 9 February 2009
Metrojaya Warehouse Sale
Discounts up to 70%
Products Offered
Products Offered
Cosmetics & Fragrances
Givency, Hugo Boss, Miss Sixty, Nautica, Versace, Loreal
Ladies & Men
Goggles, Wacoal, Body Glove, Bonia, Renoma, Hush Puppies
Renoma Junior, World of Cartoons, Poney, Hello Kitty
Barbie& Power Ranger Toys, Thomas & Friends
Alfresco, Esque, Jean Perry, Louis Casa, Niki Cains,
Novelle, Zebra
and more
Time : 11am to 8pm
Exhibition Hall 101 & 102
Persada Johor International Convention Centre
Nota kaki: Jom gi ramai²..hehehe~
TQ for da info, hehehe harus ajak Mr. Hubby gi ni Renoma Junior ngan Poney mmg fav. brand dia tuk budak 2 tu. Jasa mu akan ku kenang ah c.long.
Mummy Dasy>>hehehe~saje nk hasut kwn2..aku juga harus mnghast en.nazir ku..
wah mmg tepat pada masanya… mmg tgh nk bli pepium ni.. hehe..
Syahza>>try la gi nti..kite pn cam nk gi if hubby nk lyn la..hehehe..klau gi bgtau tau!
ya ya.. dah booking date ngn bf kita, sabtu ni kot nk g memborong..
igt, only small purse is allowed to enter the whouse sale.. hahaha…
Syahza>>hehehe..kite bru brangan nk ajak hubby gi on Saturday..baru tringat kitorg kena rewang ler umah makcik kezen kawin..haiyo..tpksa cari ari lain..hehe