Blog X-BCA UiTM Melaka

Ari nie pagi aku x smpat nk belek2 blog..coz kna attend training yg aku ckp semlm tu..not only 1 female participant..xkisah ler instructor pn 1 department ngn aku..ok..x nak cite psal training..coz smua dh settle tinggal next session on 10/11 i have to make sure yg refreshment smua ok x mcm td..huru hara sket..

Nie group aku Group #2 (Aku, Khair, Nijam, Murad,Norazlin, Zairol n Khalimi) baru nk present our poster..

Aku ler pelukis poster nie..hehehe..hancusss..


Semalam aku ade email kt Zul my x-classmate mase Degree..tnye psl blog yg die create last year..aku sje nk tau pkmbangan blog tu aktif lg ke x..n today die kate blog tu ade tp x aku n zul plan nk idupkn smule blog tu..actually nie idea zul last year utk gathering kitorg yg x jadi tu..any update about the gathering die akn post kt blog nie..malangnye xde sape yg rajin visit..tmasuk la aku yg tlupe url nye..hehehe..
Before kitorang announce kt kwn2..kitorang akan update ape yg patut dulu..n we try to make it more attractive..supaye kwn2 smua x jemu n tiap2 ari nk visit blog kte nie..hehehe..harapan aku bsar mnggunung least kte bleh trus keep in touch..
So kwn2 X-BCA Student Batch 01-04 jom la same2 kite meriahkn blog yg dh lame dilupekan tu.. :-p
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1 Comment

  1. Mohd Haizi bin Mohd Khair

    yeZza…. haizi in da house.. any update…share ehh hernee sanke’

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