2 days before the "STATUS" change

Ari nie aku rase pnat gile..wat keje cm esok dh cuti pnjg..pdhal bru cuti 1 ari..mnggu nie amat2 la mmnatkan..mcm2 bnda nk wat..nasib baik la rmai spupu spapat n jirn2 yg sudi nk bantu ktt umah..klau x blum mjlis org kt umah aku dh collapse..hehehe..nie pun adik aku sempat demam jap semlm..so kna make sure yg die x leh sakit 4 these 2 weeks..hehehe..
Mcm2 prasaan ade skang nie..hehehe..but aku try relax2 kn diri..nti muke bkerut plak..hehehe..ari nie aku plan nk balik awl..tp cam x dpt jek..jap lg souvenir utk Safety Week nk smpai..1 hal lg nk kna packing.. (tepakso la den mngadap) aku punye souvenirs bag pun Amy hntr ari nie..n she gave me a very2 reasonable price..hehehe..(dpt murah mmg ar ckp cm nie..cube die ltak high price..sure aku cancle..hehehe)
Td b4 lunch n b4 Mint time-off..aku..mint & aien (the mak buyong) sempat bposing kt ofis..hehehe..rasenye msti dorg pelik ape kes la bdk b3 nie duk msuk bilik tu..hehe..Mint yg plan..die bwk camera die ari nie..n aku pun pe lg..dpt gak mrakam saat2 akhir zmn bujang ngn kwn2..hehehe.. (aeh..ktorg lupe nk pelawa suhana n N la..sorry..hehehe)
>>>Photos will be uploaded after i come back to the office on Monday..
Bag aku dh smpai dh..ok la..bpatutan la ngan price yg Amy bg..price die jauh beza gile ngn the previous price..quality? ermmm..aku x smpat lg nk belek2..coz aku dh sumbat kt dlm keta shaiful (my officemate)..tkut nti ade org nmpk..nti dorang ingat aku mintak supplier sponsor lak..x pasal2 kang..
Dah kul 5 skang nie..aku dh xde mood nk wat keje..otak dh kt umah je nie.. (actually..dari pagi td dh xde mood pun..hehehe..mengenangkn sok aku cuti..aku truskn gak keje2 aku..ikhlas tau..bukn dpksa)
Full-time Working Mom @ PTP | Blogger | Breastfeeding Peer Counselor | Shaklee Independent Distributor ♥ Product Review ♥ Food Review ♥ Media/ Events ♥ Advertorial ♥ Sponsorship email to: hernee.nazir@gmail.com


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