Lemau sket

Ari nie x bpe bsmangat nk update my blog..juz view blog2 org lain jek..tngok ler dh kul bpe aku bru thegeh2 nk mnaip..hehehe..Ptang nie blik keje je aku dh ade plan dlm otak..
>>update utk plan semlm: Mangsa tukang teman..Liz..

1) nak g Season Perling jap..nk tempah kek utk hntaran..
>>> hehehe..aku survey kt Season cm x mnarik lak..then trus order kt Secret Recipe..Moist Choc Cake..nyum..nyum..aku yg tliur..silap2 wat mkn utk diri sndiri..hehehehe..zalimnye!

2) smbil2 tu aku nk jumpe kwn mase keje 7E Kak Liza nk bg kad jmputn..
>>> sempat jmpe kak Liza jap after mkn Mc’D..

3) singgah jap kat mane2 kdai crmin mate..nk bli contact lens utk en.nazir..n for me too.. (lens yg aien bg x ssuai power die ngn mate aku..die bg aku coz xnk mmbazir..neeway thanks to aien..)

>>> bli 2 set for 1 month trial..

4) nk cari paper kilat2.. (hehehe..aku nk ape? ado la..)
>>> bli 10 kping..dh print pun kt o****e.. 🙂
5) nk cri choc & some cookies la..topup2 utk hntrn..
>>> bli Ferrero Roche..Van Houten choc..n Hershey’s..
6) beli inai.. (kat mane ek? mak aku kate cari kt kdai India)
>>> kebetulan mak suh singgah psr mlm blanje brg dpur..so aku cari ler kdai aci sorang nie n bli inai serbuk..hehehe..yg bengangnye smpai umah adik aku complaint..nape aku bli yg srbuk..coz die kate nti tgn comot bile nk pkaikn aku inai..huwaaaa…sape yg nk pkaikn aku inai nie..

aku rase cm ade je yg blum settle skang nie..(huwaaaa..menakutkn..) xpe ari Jumaat nie aku cuti..still ade lg bnda yg nk wat ari tu nti..pas tu aku kna relax je..hehehehe..

tengah aku dok meng”edit” entry nie..ade sorg minah nie kcau lak..die nk tau psl 1 of PTP Female staff yg die admire..hahahaha..acah jek..so aku ngn rajin nye mncari gmbr beliau kt web..n send to my fren..till now..die kate x receive ape2 mail dr aku..hampeh btul..hehehe

ps: puan dida..(aeh..tsebut name die lak..die suh keep it as a secret..hehehe..cane nie?) ko puas ati x pic bdk tu..x puas ati meh dtg cni aku tnjuk..x pn ko jmpe face 2 face..hehehe..

Full-time Working Mom @ PTP | Blogger | Breastfeeding Peer Counselor | Shaklee Independent Distributor ♥ Product Review ♥ Food Review ♥ Media/ Events ♥ Advertorial ♥ Sponsorship email to: hernee.nazir@gmail.com


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