BBQ @ Raya Nite

As per planned..on that Hari Raya nite we had a very simple BBQ Dinner..Fuhhh..kenyang gile..masing2 mlantak cm dh xde ari esok..hehehe..Petang tu aku balik awal..smpai umah relax jap.. (bersin dh btmbah 1500x :-p) then, tolong mak kt dapur..prepare utk buke pose..aku smpai2 umah mak dh siap msk rendang daging dh..makcik tngah tolong mak kt dapur gak..someone is missing..mane g makcu? upenye die, ana n ayu g wat facial treatment kt umah mokde..(lemak ae korang)
Petang tu ktorang buke pose makan mee goreng..dsamping ayam2..ketam2..n sausage2 yg di panggang..hehehe..Seronok dpt buke pose rmai2..riuh rendah cm pasar..(Family aku + Pok Teh & family..Mok De & family + Mak Cu & Family + Makcik & Family) Family Mak Anjang x smpat dtg mase bbuk..dorang dtg pas maghrib..

nie mase baru je bbuke..sempat je amik gmbr..hehe

masing2 tgh lyn perut..hehehe

nyum..nyum..nie la ayam yg kitorg ngapp..hehehe

ketam2..sausage2 yg mnjadi mngsa tkak kami..hahaha

tukang kipas yg setia..hehe (frm left: fah, adik ayan & ayong)

dah kenyang smua kjar camera..

tukang masak sbenar2nye..hahaha

pantang dlm family kitorg.. “pantang jumpe camera” 🙂 lg2 c mira nie..smua gmbr ade muke die..

My makcu, mok de & mok teh (notes: ptut la mira over..ikut mama die yg bju coklat tu) hahaha

My mom n my Tok Mok..teringin gak nk bgmbar..

Me n my Tok mok yg dh kekenyangan..hehehe

“Man behind the scene”
Pak cu (yellow shirt) nie ler tukang segale tukang..tukang idup api..tukang bakar..ktorg tukang mkn jek..

Emm..dh puas mkn n posing smua..kte lyn main bunge api n mercun x smapt nk amik gmbr..coz aku dpt tngok dorg main bunge api jap je..mak dh ajk gi bli tikar getah plak..hehehe..ktorg gi ngn makcu n pakcu n baby syasya..

Balik umah wat ape yg ptut..then kemas2 bilik..ntah kul bpe bru tdo.. (angan2 nk tngok Takbir Suci 3..hampeh tngok dlm mimpi..x ksah x dpt tngok on that nite coz Astro akn ulang 500x cite tu..hehehe)

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